Best Christian Books of All Time

Best Christian Books of All Time

Reading is a cornerstone of the Christian faith. The Bible, God’s revelation, is a collection of books in and of itself, one that will last forever   Other have encouraged Christians, inspired movements, caused rebirth, and motivated international change over the years. God has used Christian intellectuals and authors to produce a wide range of influential works.

These works, in addition to the Bible, will nourish your soul if you desire to develop deeper in your connection with God, learn more about his great love, and be encouraged in your Christian path.

Of course, deciding on the “best” Christian books is a value judgement. It’s not simple to choose among hundreds of years of literature and thousands of books.

1) Pilgrim’s Progress by John Bunyan

Pilgrim’s Progress has never been out of print since it was first published in 1678. Pilgrim’s Progress is still considered one of the finest masterpieces of religious English literature today. C.H. Spurgeon, an English preacher, read the book over 100 times, and C.S. Lewis published an important successor. Millions of Christians have read Pilgrim’s Progress, which has been translated into over 200 languages.

2) Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis

C.S. Lewis (1898-1963) was a Christian author and apologist who is best known for his Narnia series. Lewis is regarded as one of the most prominent Christian intellectuals of the twentieth century.

Mere Christianity lays out the foundations of the Christian life in simple terms and with strong arguments. Mere Christianity was voted the most influential book in Christianity Today’s “Most Influential Books” poll in 2000. Christianity received more nominations than any other book. Many people, including Charles Colson, came to religion as a result of the book. Christian music (Sixpence None the Richer, Living Sacrifice) and literature have been heavily influenced by phrases and portions from the book.

3) Confessions by Augustine

Augustine was a Christian writer and thinker who was one of the first and most renowned.

Confessions is still relevant today, despite the fact that it was written almost two thousand years ago. Augustine, like today’s Christians, battled sexual immorality, experimented in other religions, and faced deception.

4) Knowing God by J. I. Packer

Knowing God is a thorough analysis of God’s personality. The chapters go into several aspects of His personality, such as His knowledge, anger, love, and grace.

Knowing God is a book on God’s character that is both readable and compelling. Knowing God is soul-searching and worshipful, not dry and logical. The book has sold millions of copies and is one of the “Top 50 Books” in Christianity Today.

5) The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Bonhoeffer challenges Christians to the degree of extreme commitment that Jesus taught in today’s world of “cheap grace” and entertainment-driven Christianity:

“Cheap grace” is defined as “preaching forgiveness without needing sorrow or rebirth without church discipline.” Supper without the need for a confession. Grace without discipleship, grace without the cross, grace without Jesus Christ is cheap grace.”

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